miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

Contest for a common project logo

Online Learning using the example of Environmental Education Erasmus+KA229

Contest for a common project logo
A call for logo submissions is opened to all students involved in the project. They should develop a visual identity that reflected its main topic.

What you have to do
Design an eye-catching logo for the 2018-2020 OLEE_ERASMUS+KA229

The logo should include:
 • A graphic element
• Logo text: it should ideally include, but is not obligatory, the title of the PROJECT.

Colour preferences
Bold (primary) colours, easy to use

Who can enter the contest
Any student with graphic design skills involved in the project.

How to submit your entries

§  Local election
o   The best three logos of each school will be selected for the creativity demonstrated and the concept behind the design
o   Proposals will be uploaded to Twinspace
§  International election:
o   Every student of the project will vote for three logos but is not allowed to vote for a logo of his country

Upon selection, the winner logo will be used in all materials and communication tools such as the project homepage. Etwinning, website, app, media, social media, publications, publicity, promotional items, etc.

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