miércoles, 8 de enero de 2020

LTTA 1 documentation videos

On Wednesday, 5th December 2018, three different excursions were offered to different places having to do with generating energy. The students were given the task to collect information (notes, videos, photos) in order to be able to produce a video on their excursion.
  1. Schacht Konrad, a former iron mine approximately 20 km southwest of Braunschweig that now functions as a repository for radioactive waste. Students learnt about radioactive waste and difficulties in working 1100m under earth.
  2. Kraftwerk Buschhaus“ and “Paläon”. Buschhaus is a power station where electric energy is generated from waste. The Paläon museum is an archaeological experience center where in 1994 300,000 year old spears where discovered as well as other remnants of the Palaeolithic Age.
  3. Kraftwerk Romkerhall“. The hydroelectric plant is one of several plants in the Harz mountains. After having a look at the embankment dam, the students were given a tour of the power plant, walking inside the dam and learning about the generation of electric energy.

These are some examples of the produced videos:

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