martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

LTTA 4 Workshop: "Solar Energy"

All participant students in LTTA 4 should have been split up in six groups identified by colors: red, green, orange, white, blue and black. Each group should include students from the four nationalities joined in our project. However because of the absence of the Greek and Portuguese Delegations, the six German students were handed out and the teams were completed with Spanish students.  The workshop was entitled "Solar Energy: creating some useful appliances powered by solar energy". They assembled several small devices: a car, a catamaran, a carrousel, a fan and a robot. Finally they produced a DIY video for their appliance material. They were shown to the Portuguese Team at the webinar on Friday 13th and a small exhibition was also prepared. Through the following links you may access some of those videos:  

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